In Her Own Words

Founder Rachel Blistein Shares her Hair Story

Hairstylist and Original Moxie owner with a client smiling in a mirror
Rachel as a baby with her grandparents



Curly hair is part of my Scotch-Irish genetic inheritance dating back at least four generations. This is a picture of my Grandmother, Mother, & Great Grandfather!



I took an early dislike to my curls starting around the age of 5 or 6. I hated looking different and, as soon as I was permitted to do so, began relaxing my hair to try and fit in. It wasn't until I reached my 30's that I began to slowly embrace my natural texture and transition away from chemical relaxers.

Rachel as a child in 1979
Rachel formulating products



Several years into my curly hair journey, I was stuck. Nothing I ever used seemed to keep my curls moisturized and my hair was always brittle and frizzy. With no where else to turn, I began to research the needs of different hair types and taught myself how to formulate my own hair care products. I eventually began formulating for friends with different hair types, some of whom worked in the salon industry. After two years of intensive research (and many close calls with mixers and stoves), I launched the brand with most of the products you see here today.



What started as a home-based business eventually blossomed into a full line of curly hair products and a full-service salon dedicated to the needs of highly textured hair. Along the way, my research continued, leading me to an entirely new way to understand hair and how to optimize curl health.

Hairstylists at the Original Moxie Salon doing a client's hair
Original Moxie Sustainable Packaging



I established the brand on sustainable values and have always prioritized keeping our products natural and non-toxic. In 2022, we took a further step by investing in a unique refill and reuse system to dramatically reduce our plastic consumption. I'm proud of the bold measures our small company has taken to protect this incredible planet that we share!

A Message from the Founder

Thank you so much for trusting us to be a part of your curly hair journey! I know firsthand how meaningful it is to fall in love with your natural texture, especially if you, like me, spent years hating it. Making healthy hair products that help you to embrace your curls gives me joy! So whether you are a curly hair novice or a seasoned expert, please know that we are here to support you in every way that we can. Helping your curls thrive is our passion, our mission, and our honor.

A Message From the Founder
Rachel Blistein today